2021 New Year’s Resolutions

With New Year’s Day right around the corner, I thought I would share a few things I want to implement in the new year!

I take my New Years resolutions very seriously and very rarely follow them through the whole year. :/

And by the time the next year rolls around, I have the same burning drive to change some habits and implement some new ones!

Hopefully, this will be my accountability list that I can refer to throughout the year.

The key to making a New Years resolutions list is to have very specific goals along with very specific things you are going to do to get there.

In no particular order, my 2021 resolutions:

1. Practice better posture

This might seem random, but it is something I’m very aware of: my poor posture.

I danced ballet for several years when I was younger and I had such great posture back then…

I just know as I get older, it’s only going to get worse so I’m challenging myself to be proactive now!

How I’m going to achieve this:

  • Stretch for 10 minutes at least 4 times a week
  • There are lots of videos & exercises for posture on Youtube including this one that looks really good
  • To go along with stretching, I also want to get my splits back and plan on following this video (10 mins is so manageable for me!)

2. Learn more about makeup and how to do it better

I was the older sister and didn’t have anyone to teach me how to do makeup. I watched a tonnn a Youtube videos instead, which were helpful!

However, I still feel like I don’t know what I’m doing and I want to be more knowledgeable. I think it will make me feel more confident.

How I’m going to achieve this:

  • Again, Youtube is one of the greatest resources whenever I don’t know how to do something or want to learn something new. I have yet to peruse but I will find a person whose makeup I like and watch her videos. lol.

3. More consistent diet / workout / health

Isn’t this everyone’s New Years resolution every year?

Well, I finally feel like I’ve achieved a good balance.

This past year I learned a lot about my body and what foods help it and what foods hurt it. I also learned what kind of workout routine makes me feel my best and I’m so thankful for that!

I always look forward to the January reset because holidays can be hard on the body! Lots of rich food and family time spent not moving on the couch. I love it and wouldn’t have it any other way!

How I’m going to achieve this:

  • I’m going to continue listening to my body and putting nutritious things into it
  • Only having sweets in moderation and eating when I’m truly hungry and not out of boredom
  • Go on long walks 3x a week
  • Complete some challenges and utilize Casey’s, from Blogilates, printable to keep me accountable with working out
  • Play more tennis (I used to play in high school and taught it at summer camp and want to get back in to it!)

4. Switch to clean beauty

I follow so many inspiring women who sell and promote the usage of clean beauty.

To me, it’s like, “why not?” switch to clean beauty.

So, that’s one of my goals this year.

How I’m going to achieve this:

  • As I run out of what I’m currently using, I’m going to replace it with a clean beauty alternative.

5. Find a good devotional / quiet time routine that is maintainable

I love my daily devotional, New Morning Mercies.

I also love this book, Women of the Word, on how to study the Bible.

But I want to do MORE!

How I’m going to achieve this:

  • I found this reading plan that is mapped out to help me read the WHOLE BIBLE in a year. I’ve never done this before but I think it will be fun and help me build a habit to reading the word each day.

What are some of your New Year’s resolutions? Let me know and we can keep each other accountable!

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