5 Tips to Living a Healthier, Happier Life

I don’t know about you, but I definitely go through phases of health kicks.

One month, I’ll be working out everyday and not eating desserts. The next, I’ll be eating Chick-fil-A for lunch & pizza for dinner, with ice cream for dessert and only getting 100 steps in for the day.

Some call it balance.

And I am 100% in favor of balance, but these are a few tips I use to truly hone in on my diet, life, and overall well-being.

1. Drink More Water

If you’ve been following me since the beginning, you know how much I emphasize the importance of drinking water. Not only can it benefit your physical health, but it can also attribute to better mental and emotional health.

In this blog post I talk about how much water I drink in a day and how it has helped my skin significantly.

Plus, when you drink more water, you stay full for longer = not craving snacks!

2. Exercise

This one may seem obvious, but sometimes it can be SO HARD to get your body to want to move.

I joined my friend Skyler from Well and Worthy Co to walk 2 miles (or more) a day for 30 days. I’m 3 weeks in to the challenge, and although I have missed a day or two, I feel so much more energized and productive on the days that I get my walk or workout in.

I still struggle with the misconception that a good workout, means I have to be out of breath & dying of sweat. That is not the case at all! Get in to the routine of doing something manageable that you don’t dread and it will be a game changer.

3. Keep in touch with your loved ones

Again, this may sound silly.

But it actually is something I am really bad about! I am very much the type of person to wait for people to reach out to me instead of vice versa.

Especially this year with the busyness of wedding planning and being quarantined, I forget how happy I feel after catching up with friends.

I love how my friend Emily, without a heads up, will FaceTime me out of the blue. She is so good about keeping up with people and I admire that so much about her.

Call or text someone you love this week!<3

4. Never Stop Learning

This is something that really impacted me after I graduated college & was in quarantine.

I have always dreaded school. I was never great at it and it gave me a lot of anxiety.

After graduating, it was a huge relief to know I would never have to write another paper or take another math class or deal with another crazy teacher.

However, I quickly realized that I had nothing on my plate to make me productive during the day…

So, I started blogging again. I have already learned so much and I know there is so much more to learn about the blogging industry. And for once, working makes me excited. I have so much drive to be successful and it’s so rewarding to see something you’ve always wanted come to life.

Some other examples could be: learning a new language, learning to play a new instrument, getting into yoga, or dancing — the list could go on and on.

Use that amazing brain God gave you!

5. Don’t care too much about what others think

This is something I now realize is a true GIFT that I have. I attribute it to my parents, siblings, and being homeschooled.

From being homeschooled, to having a large family, I have seen many different lifestyles & ways to do things. Some conventional, some very unconventional.

Everyone..and I mean everyone…is going to have an opinion. There is no possible way to please every single person.

The key? Have your standards and values in place, treat others with respect, and YOU DO YOU.

Worrying about and dwelling on what others are thinking about you is a total waste of energy.

Do what works for you, what works with your schedule, and what brings you joy.

Hope you have a happy & healthy rest of the week!

Thanks for reading!

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