Our Favorite Shows & What’s on My List to Watch

Let me preface this post by saying that neither Grant nor I watch much T.V.

I can probably count on one hand how many shows I’ve actually watched all the way through.

However, being married and in quarantine, it’s fun to have an ongoing show to watch as opposed to deciding on a movie each night,

My 2 favorite shows ever are Call The Midwife and Gilmore Girls and I’ll usually just go back and watch random episodes just because I love them so much.

These are the shows we’ve watched and LOVED!

What We’ve Watched:

1. Suits

We really enjoyed this show! I don’t think we finished it though… lol

2. The Crown

We are currently finishing this one up — so so good! We are constantly googling facts to see what is accurate and what is not and it’s so interesting!

3. The Right Stuff

We watched this on Disney Plus and it was fantastic! Not super long so we were able to finish it in like, 3 days. This show is about the first Americans that go to space and it’s really well done!

4. The Queen’s Gambit

I have now watched this through twice. Amazing show!!

5. Dead to Me

ONLY SEASON 1!! Season 2 was not our cup of tea but we both love Season 1!

6. Downton Abbey

We both LOVED Downton Abbey. I would be down to rewatch it but Grant doesn’t like rewatching things lol.

7. Victoria

Fantastic show!! 10/10

8. Alias

I watched this with my family growing up and then I couldn’t remember if we ever finished it so Grant and I started watching it andddd we still haven’t finished it yet…

What’s On Our (My) List:

Grant is about to start classes again and then begin studying for the CPA, so I’ll most likely be watching these while he’s studying. Which works out perfectly!

1. Grey’s Anatomy

I know. I might be the only person who hasn’t seen it– but it’s on my list!

2. Schitt’s Creek

We started the show but couldn’t get into it… But everyone raves about it so I want to give it another shot!

3. Bling Empire

We saw this pop up on Netflix the other night and it looks interesting! It gives me Crazy Rich Asian vibes and could be entertaining!

4. Virgin River

It keeps popping up as a suggested show on my Netflix.

5. Yellowstone

I just. Feel like I need to watch it.

6. The Undoing

The only thing keeping me from watching some of these is that you have to buy them :/ I’m just not that dedicated.

Hopefully you get the vibe for what we like & if you have any suggestions that can be found on Netflix or Disney Plus, please leave a comment and let me know!

Thanks for reading!

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