23 Things I Learned Being 23

Hi y’all! It’s so crazy that I’m sitting down to write this post… It feels like I was just writing last year’s … (read last year’s here!)

My 24th birthday is June 28th and since I’m the youngest of all of my friends, I always feel like my birthday is always *finally* here. LOL!

23 was honestly a pretty packed year! A few highlights that come to mind are:

Taking on blogging as my full-time job and having successfully completed one year being full-time.

Adding Remi to our family — I honestly can’t imagine life without her.

And so many more really high highs and really low lows but that’s what keeps life exciting 🙂

Here are some things I’m learning, have learned, or even just noticed, while being 23…

1. It’s OK to say no.

This year has been extremely packed full and honestly, only getting busier. I sometimes find myself trying to bend over backwards to make things work when really, I just needed to say no. This is something I’m still learning!

2. You don’t owe anyone an explanation.

With being on social media, sometimes I feel the *need* to explain why we do this or why we do that. When, in reality, I don’t owe anyone an explanation.

3. Comparison is the thief of joy.

This is a daily reminder for me. It’s so easy to compare myself to others who appear to be doing more than me, better than me, travel more than me, or whatever it may be!

4. I am not in the waiting room.

Going along with comparison, I find myself waiting for this to happen, or waiting for a certain time in my life. Life is happening right *now* so live in the present!

5. You are who you surround yourself by.

6. I learned how to take care of a dog (& love her to pieces!!)

7. I’m learning to forgive and forget

8. Pray without ceasing

9. Challenging yourself is a good thing

10. Anything is possible

11. Confidence is key to a lot of things in life

12. Staying in on a Friday night is not lame

13. Not having a plan for the rest of your life is *normal*

14. Empathy is so important

15. Tajin + lime makes the perfect rim 😉

16. Enjoy the little things in life

17. I’m learning that I *love* making a space feel extra cozy

18. Take time to cook a *good* homemade meal

19. I learned how to play pickleball!

20. Making friends is as easy as sending a quick DM

21. Friendships take time but they’re so worth it!

22. I’m learning that cleaning is extremely therapeutic and makes me feel peaceful (lol)

23. Don’t worry too much

I’d like to wrap up this post with a verse I love keeping tucked in my heart when life feels overwhelming:

“Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” Matthew 6:34

Thanks for reading! Cheers to 24! 🙂

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